Don’t use water prof mascara 2 days previous the appointment
Do not tint, perm or curl lashes with a clamp curler at least 48hrs prior your appointment
Advise if you have any Eye infection, conjunctivitis, sore/swollen eyes, recent laser surgery…
Eyelash extensions after care
During the first 24 hours
Avoid showering
Avoid swimming.
Avoid exposure to hear (i.e steam / sauna).
The extensions need that amount of time to properly bond and the steam and chlorine could affect this.
Avoid all eyelash cosmetics.
For best results
Avoid chemical treatments
Avoid getting your lashes wet for 48 hours
Use Intense not water proof mascara. If, only apply the mascara to the tips of your lashes.
Use makeup remover oil free to remove mascara and to keep brows and lash clean
Avoid pulling or rubbing your eyes
If your eyelashes are tangled or crossed over, use the lash
If your eyelashes are tangled or crossed over, use the lash brush given to you during your appointment to gently brush them straight and put them in place.
Please keep lashes clean by regular washing with foaming lash shampoo
Be careful when applying facial and eye creams to avoid the brows and lash fine. Too many oil-based products can break down the adhesive.