Cosmetic Tattoo Course, Feather Brows, Ombre Brows, Powder brows, Combination Brows, Lip Blush & Eye liner 9 Days

Feather Brows, Ombre Brows, Powder brows, Combination Brows, Lip Blush & Eye liner

9 intensive days where you will learn all the Cosmetic Tattoo Course techniques with more demand in the market:

Cosmetic Tattoo Course



All course are delivery by a experienced Australia accredited TAE trainer

Zip pay & After pay available

Mornings Course Duration: 9 days in a row or separate full-time.

Evening Course Duration: 1 night per week from 5pm to 9pm

Class sizes are small, generally with no more than 3 students.

One on one training is available and can be tailored to suit a more flexible time plan. This option will provide considerably more observation performing treatments, plus additional hands-on practical training.



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